S’mae, pawb! S’mae, pawb! I’m back after a long break. We had both the children and their other halves over Christmas so we were busy. It was nice to be cooked for on several days, though. The new year started full on with extra choir rehearsals; we’ll be having lots of extra rehearsals for our choir’s 20th anniversary concert in April. We’ll be doing Verdi’s Requiem.
I still haven’t finished taking down the Christmas decorations. I’ve been doing it slowly. Most of them are down and sitting on the dining table waiting for me to put everything back in their boxes. I just need to take the bits off the mantlepiece in the lounge.
This week’s video uses some free SU DSP, and a new suite called Wildflower Birthday. I mentioned a lady whose YouTube channel is called Weyermann’s Whimsey; here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsQSeV4oF84

I also showed a card I made for Hanukkah:

I think I shall have to end here. I’ve got a twitch in my eye which is really annoying me, so I could probably do with a bit of a rest. Hwyl am y tro!