Another busy week last week. I often have a meeting of some sort after our drop-in cafe/food bank on a Wednesday, so by the time I get home I’m exhausted. I try to start my blog before the Wednesday so I can just publish it when I get home, but I didn’t even do that last week and nearly forgot this week.
I’ve made some more birthday cards for church folk, and also realised that, with Easter fast approaching, Easter cards would be needed too. Generally, I make them with 2 other people at church BUT they’re both going to be moving house at the end of the month. One of them is moving out of the area, but she’s agreed to make some as she’s leaving her craft stuff until the last possible moment. I can’t find the photo of the other cards I made, and they’re all sealed up in their envelopes now!
I’m getting everything together for the Easter Crafternoon on March 25th; this is a pic of some of it:

The tissue paper is for decoupaging the eggs, with the narrow ribbon for adding if they want to hang them, rather than have them on skewers. I’ve cut out some bunny shapes from a printout for a bunny garland, and the wool will be for bunny tails. I’ve got some spring/Easter papers to cut the bunnies from. I’ve bought more Mod Podge than the mind can comfortable imagine! I’m just waiting for some glue brushes to arrive – I couldn’t find any locally.
The roof isn’t finished yet, but should be done by the end of the week. They still need to put the 2nd Velux window in. Then it’ll be on to the gutters, soffits, fascias, and down pipes.
Well, that’s me for this week; hwyl am y tro! xx
OOh Camilla, you know the more ModPodge you put out the more they’ll use?! I’m a fan of decanting into small pots to help with keeping things clean, the tissue paper and glue idea fills me with well, not horror, but heebie jeebies for sure! I’ve finally got some rings to screw into my wooden eggs, so painting will commence soon….it needs to doesnt it, how fast the days are going. Hope todays cafe and meeting were too strenuous, typical that it all falls on the same day!
Loving what you have planned for the Easter Crafterthon Camilla. I would ration the mod podge though. Good luck with the Easter cards. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW Sarah #3
Hope the Easter crafterthon goes well. you look very prepared. Good luck getting Easter cards as well as birthday cards done. Helen #1
Looks like somebody is in for fun with the eggs, hope we get to see the results. I’ve been making Easter cards though I don’t send many out. Have fun and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x11x