Not much to say this week, other than there’ll be no videos for a while until I have full use of both my hands. Let me explain: I have one of those mandolin slicer/dicer things. I was using it on Monday when I obviously wasn’t paying proper attention and have managed to slice a sizeable chunk off the little finger of my right hand. I’m also a bleeder. The kitchen looked like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre! I now have the full ‘comedy bandage’ and will actually have to wear a sling at Tea & Toast just so that I don’t try to do something that will involve knocking my finger. I have thrown said mandolin in the bin; I’m not safe with it.

I’m also finding it difficult to type, being a touch typist, so this will be a very short blog.
Normal service will be restored as soon as possible. Hwyl am y tro!