I managed to make a few birthday cards this week for folk at church. January to April seems to be the quietest time for birthdays, with only 10. May to August are the busiest months for birthdays: 24 altogether, with 9 of them in August and only 1 in June! These are the ones I’ve done this week:

We’ve got quite a few special birthdays at church this year too (you know, ones ending with a 0 or, occasionally, a 5) so I’ve made a start on those as well. I think I’ve shown my Scrabble cards before, but I don’t have any made up to show you yet. The special cards are signed by everyone at church so I get them all signed before I actually decorate the front, otherwise they get ruined. The regular birthday cards just get signed by the Elders.
Not done much else this week, other than organise a small quiz at a fundraising dinner last Saturday at church. It was for a charity that runs a couple of schools in Uganda. It was only a short quiz, between the main course and dessert so I did 4 rounds of 10 questions each. Everyone enjoyed it, although one lady was quite cross that I hadn’t done a round of Bible questions.
I nearly forgot to post this. I typed it up yesterday in readiness, then I’ve been busy at church this morning with our weekly Tea & Toast alongside the food bank.
Bendithion i bawb. x
Hello there, you sound really busy. Love your cards. Coincidentally, I have three birthdays in August which make it my busiest month too. Have a lovely week. Elizabeth x #15
Great cards Camilla. Good idea getting folk to sign the card before you finish the front too. Good luck with the rest of the birthday cards this year. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1
Well done on getting ahead with the cards – sounds like lots to keep you busy during the year!! Have a good week Helen #3
Great cards and what a lovely idea. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10
Great cards Camilla, and such a good idea to get the big numbers ones signed before actually completing them, makes perfect sense!
Lovely cards! I have to make one for my mother this week, turning 88 years, maybe I will be inspired! Have a great week, Lindart #16
Such pretty cards! Anyone would be thrilled to get one. I love the idea for a stash of -0 cards ready for use! Love all the tips we get every WOYWW visit. 🙂
Best intentions last Weds., total fail!
Mary Anne (2)