S’mae, pawb! Well, I’ve found out why a couple of my posts weren’t able to accept comments: turns out it’s a PICNIC problem. You don’t know what a PICNIC problem is? It means: Problem In Chair, Not In Computer. Also known as Operator Error. I won’t go into details but, basically, I was being a div!
Anyhoo, welcome to another Wednesday. It’s been a quiet week, so nothing much to report. I have made a couple of anniversary cards but forgot to photograph them before sealing the envelopes! I have made some more of my Scrabble cards for some more special birthdays. Our son, Michael’s girlfriend, Teresa, will be 30 next week so I made her this card:

I know she loves Lush products (can’t stand them myself) so I’ve got her a gift card so she can choose what she wants. She can’t understand why I don’t like Lush, but I’m very sensitive to strong scents and smells and you can generally smell a Lush store before you see it! Yesterday I had the chap in to show me vinyl flooring for the bathroom and he was obviously a smoker – yuk! I opened the window wide as soon as he’d gone even though it was freezing outside.
I’ve made a lot of these personalised mementos this year. As you can see, I like to get things done well ahead of time. I’ve bought some boxes off Ebay to post them in so they arrive intact. This one is for one of Kevin’s old school chums. I’ve shown the card underneath incomplete: I’ve run out of the letters S & I! Awaiting delivery of those.

That’s it for my desk this week. (I haven’t made a Mothers’ Day card as I don’t have anyone to make one for any more.) Hwyl fawr!
Ah, maybe you were one of the blogs I couldn’t comment on last week? PIcNIC problems – well, yeah I sympathise there. It’s a bit like Smartphones in the hands of an idiot (me). TBH I’m fine until one of the kids is watching me, they are so critical they make me nervous!! I should remind them I taught them how to wipe their bums!! Know exactly what you mean about LUSH – cannot go in there as it starts me coughing uncontrollably. It does look bright and pretty though. A voucher is definitely the way to go. Well done with being organised – I’m usually anywhere a week or 1 hour before I actually have to post the card. Or if I do it in advance, I then forget to post it. Age I guess. Very pretty card – hope your letters arrive soon! Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy xx #23
I’m glad you’ve sorted the problem as I’d tried to comment and couldn’t! I love the acronym, will use that myself for sure, lol! I can’t stand Lush either, in fact I can’t have lilies or hyacinths in the house either and most scented hand or face creams make me want to heave. Glad to know I’m not the only one…
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx
Aha, a place to comment! Glad you resolved it and for once it wasn’t me missing something. I say for once, it’s probably actually a first! Love the card you’ve made for Teresa, she’s going to love it. Not keen on Lush shopping, I can taste everything and it gives me a headache, but individually, some of their stuff is lovely. However, I am not a bath bomb or bar soap person, so it’s all a bit wasted on me, particularly as it may well be a number of years since I bothered to have a bath, I’m definitely a shower gal! I don’t do scented candles and such either, it’s all a bit lost on me.
I couldn’t comment here last week as just couldn’t see the comment box – glad it’s here today! I am not fond of Lush either – I struggle even walking past the shops (when they’re open!) the smell is so pungent. Unlike LLJ I do like lilies, but not hyacinths either ha ha…. Great cards Helen ##3
There has been quite a few issues with commenting, I try my best but there are lots of older templates that blogger doesn’t seem to like since the changes. Hope this posts today. I think Lush is very much for the younger generation as I too am not a fan of it.. Love that last card, it really made me smile.
Happy Woyww Tracey #15
Yes, there was a bit of weirdness for at least last week. I almost moved you to my “Can’t Comment” list but this week it seems OK. OE (operator error) indeed – the companion to RTFM. Add me to the list of people who hate Lush – it is just an assault on your nose from a block away. Ugh. But your card is odour free and just lovely.
catching up…
Mary Anne (2)
Yay so glad I can leave a comment this week Camilla – I did visit last week as well. Lovely card and mementos as well – such a great idea for gifts. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4
Glad you have sorted the commenting problem. I know I would have liked to comment last week. I have done a few of the Scrabble type cards but I have no letters left now!!
Stay safe and keep well.
Happy WOYWW!
Brilliant idea! I love it! I bet the card will look perfect with the letters on too. As always, stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8
So glad you’ve managed to sort out your computer problem, Cam. PICNIC? Never heard that one before – it’s brilliant!! Haha! I love the card you’ve made – so pretty. I’m with you on Lush – some of it is OK (their pink grapefruit stuff as I remember) but a lot of it is too highly scented for me – I have mild chemical sensitivity with my ME and I always have to smell things before I let them in the house! I love all the “Michael” stuff – I love the name (Who is like God? learnt very early on in my Hebrew lessons) and such fun, adding up the Scrabble numbers.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #12
Hi Camilla, I’m late this week as I had to sort some stuff out yesterday ready for my mum coming home. The flower card is lovely and the 60th is so funny, love it. Happy creative, belated WOYWW, Angela x19x
I don’t think I know Lush products, I read bath bombs when I googled it. There is a shop in Chester which may be the same company, the scent is very strong as you pass by. Lovely flower card and the 60 one is funny – I hate birthdays with zero’s! Have a great week Angela #21
That acronym is fab! I’ve not heard it before. Lovely cards. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#18)