It’s not so much a case of ‘what’s on my workdesk’, more a case of ‘I have a new workdesk’!! I’ve finally finished decorating, hubby’s put the carpet down, and I’ve got my new worktop in the room. Computer’s up and running; now it’s time to bring everything back in….

The little unit with orange drawers came from a garden sale in a village in Northants we happened to pass when visiting relatives last year. £2.50. The clear plastic trays on the top were purchased last month from a local Facebook selling page. They were £15.
I still need to get some more drawers as previously I had everything on bookcases. I shall be pinching the drawer unit from the lounge. It’s an old unit from Ikea; I don’t think they do it any more. It’s what I used to be able to keep ALL my craft stuff in back in the early 2000’s!!
This week I’m (hopefully) joining in with a WOYWW blog hop recommended by my friend, Margaret – aka Glitter and Glue. Should be fun! Hwyl am y tro!
Hiya Camilla, how lovely to see you on the desks today – Margaret is a really good friend of mine, so I’m glad you learned about WOYWW from her. It’s always good to have another Welshie around as well *grin*. I was brought up in Pembrey and returned two years ago after working in England for 35 years, best thing we ever did. BP is a great little town and the chips are fab!
Your room looks great after all the upheaval – now comes the fun part of sorting out 🙂
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
Wyt ti’n siarad Cymraeg? Dw i’n dysgwyr. x
Hi Camilla, so nice to meet you and see your lovely creative space. I’ts all looking beautifully organised and the little set of orange drawers was a great bargain, and so useful too. I love the wall cupboard with the glass doors, it’s fabulous.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana x #15
Thanks, Diane. The wall cupboards are the original kitchen cupboards from the 50’s, although the house was built in 1924. My craft room is the original kitchen and is 2.5m x 2m! The room that is now the kitchen was classed as a dining room originally and is twice the size.
Hi Camilla, nice to ‘meet’ you! and welcome to our weekly madness. 🙂 Reorganising a new craft room is great fun, getting everything where you want it, and finding stuff you’d forgotten about too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X
Thanks, Shaz. You’re right about finding stuff I’d forgotten about! It came in handy, though, as I’ve been struggling to come up with an idea for a 2-yr old boy’s birthday card and I found a pack of 3-D die-cuts for children. Sorted!
Hi Camilla
Straight from Margaret….. love the desk. I am the same as you in having a new craft room, although it’s not really new…. just rearranged!
I wish I could have all white units but this room was used for DH’s University studies, had floor to ceiling, wall to wall bookcases in brown for all his books. I’m not complaining, it’s all storage at the end of the day!
Pleased to have met you, have a good week
Christine #26
Thanks, Christine. The worktop is the only white in the room; nothing matches, but I’m OK with that.
Camilla not sure if my comments go through. I’m struggling with no blogger format, it says a duplicate on first attempt and nothing happened on second attempt so trying a different way LOVE your room.
Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #18
I was trying to see where to comment, not realising I hadn’t scrolled far enough… welcome to this madness that is WOYWW . your new craft space looks very inviting and I am always envious of crafters with actual desks! Helen #4
Welcome to WOYWW! Love your new worktop and the shelves are so pretty and inviting. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week. With love and God Bless. Caro x (#31)
Happy WOYWW and lovely to ‘meet’ you. Thank you for your earlier visit to my blog. I am in Wales too – down in Pembrokeshire; not too far from LLJ and I met Margaret there last year, I think it was. I am not a Welsh speaker though! It will be great to see the progression of your craft room. I was tempted by a few crafty things in the Range, but resisted. I have been doing a massive declutter in my craft room for 2 years now, and I have to keep telling myself that I don’t need any new stash. Ali x #11
Yay! Glad you got here. That room is looking fabulous – we’ll obviously have to all come round and christen it when it’s all done and sorted…
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2
Hi there what a great craft space and empty drawers yet to fill. Lucky you to find the orange set which is going to be very useful. Wishing you a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x16x
Hi Camilla, lovely to meet you at the stamping ground today. What a smashing space, everything will be in it’s rightful place when you have finished unpacking, well for a moment or two anyway hee hee!
Happy WoywW a little later than usual for me. Hope to see lost more of your workdesk each Wednesday. Tracey #12
Hi Camilla, well well it’s nice to meet you in blogland .. I met you last year with Margaret in Sept when I was visiting from Oz. What a beautiful bright cheery crafty space, a blessing from the Lord indeed.
Will enjoy visiting you here,
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #18
{Wonderful Words of Life – Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards – Shaz in Oz}
Hi Camilla, well well it’s nice to meet you in blogland .. I met you last year with Margaret in Sept when I was visiting from Oz. What a beautiful bright cheery crafty space, a blessing from the Lord indeed.
Will enjoy visiting you here,
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #18
Hello Camilla and welcome to WOYWW. Your craft space looks great. I have started using DVD cases for storing stamps too as they are easy to label along the spine and store. Great finds with the trays too. I look forward to seeing some of your art work once you finally get sorted. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3.
What a beautiful craft room. So exciting to have a new area to create! Welcome and happy WOYWW! Dorlene #30