A friend of mine that blogs regularly does a ‘What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday’ (WOYWW). I was all set to do this on Wednesday just gone but my wireless keyboard wasn’t working. We’ve got the builders in at the moment and on Monday we had a slight problem with water coming through my craft room ceiling. What I hadn’t realised was that my keyboard had caught some of the water. Anyway, hubby is an IT man and we have loads of spares. I went through 3 other keyboards!! I don’t know why he’s kept them as all of them had similar problems. Anyway, finally, I have a working keyboard. So, here is my WOYWW, just a few days late:

As I mentioned, we have the builders in. They’re putting a new en suite in our letting room and doing some other work so I thought I’d use the time to clear my craft room, strip wallpaper, re-paper with lining paper, paint, put new worktop in…. The list goes on. I have had the devil’s own job with some of the wallpaper. I’m convinced it’s been welded on. I’ve now had to borrow a steam stripper as it’s taken all week and I’m exhausted and fed up. I’m at the ‘I wish I’d never started’ stage, which I know will pass. It will be so much better when it’s done. I’d hoped to have at least put the lining paper up by now. I’ve woken up very grumpy this morning so am having the weekend off and will start again on Monday. I will try to remember to take pics as I go along.
That’s it for now. I’m off for some retail therapy. Hwyl fawr!