Now I’ve finished the bulk of the decorating I can get on with stuff! There’s still decorating to do but it’s a case of doing it when I feel like it (mostly doors).

Working on the pc today.

Today I’m working on something that I’m honoured to do, but also sad. It’s the Order of Service for my friend, Amira, who died on May 12th. She was just 46 and had secondary liver cancer. She’ll be buried in Egypt, where she was born, in the family tomb, and we’ll be having a thanksgiving service for her when her husband, Doug, returns from there. They have a 12-year-old son, called Samuel.

On a happier note; I’ve been sorting out stuff to take to the crop on Saturday. I’ve got loads of things for the donation section. I’ve got my raffle prize sorted. I’ve made 30 swaps, and I shall bring something to do that doesn’t take a lot of concentration. One of the things I do is make greetings cards out of old postcards so I’ll probably just bring some postcards, some dst, and a pair of scissors. I’m looking forward to it, even though I have to get up at silly o’clock. I’ll be coming with Margaret Wright and a couple of other ladies whose names escape me for the minute.


  1. Made it here eventually as the link wasn’t working. Luckily I found an old link that did. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Sorry to hear about your friend. Happy WOYWW Sarah #12

  2. Sorry I didn’t comment before. I couldn’t get the link to work! It was lovely to meet you on Saturday.

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